Identity Design
UI/UX Design
Product Design
January 2024

Natinco™ — A multifunctional, microbiome-friendly skin and body care collection for a simple and minimalistic beauty routine made with only the most exclusive and effective active ingredients.

About project

The client approached me at the end of the year, and my main task was to prepare a design concept for the launch of the online shop by the beginning of spring. I made a full-fledged stylish and modern online shop.

I started the design development with the desktop version. After - adapted the whole design for mobile devices. I provided for integration with several services so that the project could function as a full-fledged online shop.
Flexible interface within customer specifications.
Design system
Interface elements do not distract the user from the main task - choosing the right product. Customer convenience comes first. The design system has been developed taking into account all user scenarios. I tried to convey premiumisation through aesthetics and sense of proportion, which overlaps with the company's products. Proposed concise, clear structure solutions combined with with accent branded typography.

I chose a neutral style of presentation in the colour scheme, so that high-quality and bright photos of the product would serve as an accent. Nothing should distract users from the main thing - shopping. This style translates beautifully to offline and reinforces the rhyme across all brand touches
The project turned out to be modern
and functional.
Every element of the Each element of the online shop was developed based on the customer's business objectives.


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Rimmer Education
Website Design, Development
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